Healthcare jobs to shift outside hospitals in 2014

More healthcare jobs are expected to shift outside of the hospital environment in 2014.  This is due to a combination of trends in the healthcare industry.  Changing demographics and an emphasis on cost reduction have moved more and more healthcare into outpatient facilities and other locations outside of the hospital environment.

Many major hospitals around the country have been cutting jobs, but that doesn’t mean the necessary work being done is going away.  Healthcare is still a field that is creating many new jobs, but more jobs will be created outside of hospitals going forward.  The work is being shifted to more cost-effective venues such as home care agencies, outpatient surgery centers, and urgent care clinics.

Advances in technology have also made it possible for patients to spend much less time in the hospital.  Recovery times for routine procedures have become much shorter and this is helping patients as well as lowering costs.  The trend has pushed the demand for healthcare services outside the hospital, and those are the types of jobs that Desert Medical Careers staffs for in the Phoenix area.

Some of the positions we are currently recruiting for are posted on our website.  We are always looking for nurses (RN’s) and also are looking for qualified CT techs and medical billing specialists.  If you are interested in any of these jobs do not hesitate to contact

If you would like to be placed in a healthcare job within the United States, please fill out the form below or call us at 602-468-6300.

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