Radiology Technologist Interview Questions

If you are preparing to get a new job as a radiology technologist, you’ll want to be sure you’ve thought about the interviews you will have when you are a job candidate. In our recent article about How to Get Your First Radiology Technologist Job, we talked about how to ace your interview and suggested you talk with people at your school as well as people who recently acquired positions to find out what their hiring experience was like. We also highly recommend working with an agency like ours who has placed many radiology technologists because we have prepped and successfully placed candidates throughout the years and are aware of current hiring question trends.

Nurse in an interview

In addition to working with an agency like ours, review the questions presented below. You will likely be asked these questions during a radiology technologist interview. Think about how you would answer these questions and practice your answers with someone. Also, consider our ideas on how to answer the questions to give yourself a head start when you walk into your interviews.

If you would like to be placed in a radiology technologist job within the United States, please fill out the form below or call us at 602-468-6300.

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Which imaging machines are you trained to use?

Mention the type of equipment you have used. Let the interviewer know what you’ve used the most and for what type of procedures.

How do you verify your patient’s identity?

These things could include checking a wristband, confirming the type of imaging that they think they are about to get, asking their name and date of birth, and confirming any historical information you might have about the patient.

Describe how you conduct a procedure.

If you are applying to do specialty work, describe procedures you have conducted that are as closely related to the job for which you are applying. Walk them through what you do specifically, such as how you position the patient, how you decide which images to obtain, how you protect the patient during the procedure, what you do to obtain the best images in that unique situation, and how you end the procedure with the patient.

What type of stressful situations have you dealt with so far as a radiologist?

If you only have experience in an academic setting, that is fine. Tell them what you have found challenging so far and how you resolved the issue. If you have already worked as a radiology technician, think about things like unclear doctor’s orders or when you’ve had many patients waiting on you for their procedures. Also think about if you have had difficult patients, either as a student or in the professional field.

How much experience do you have as a radiology technologist and have you worked in the specialty for which you are being considered?

If you are new to the radiology technologist field, be honest about what you have and haven’t done so far; express how your previous work experience relates to working in a healthcare environment.

Discuss the academic training you have had to become a radiology technologist and what you liked the most about it. Tell them what you found challenging in the program and how you worked through those challenges.

If you do have previous experience, in addition to talking about the amount of experience you have, elaborating on how you worked is useful information. For instance, did you work within a team or did you only report to one supervisor? Have you worked in permanent placement positions or have you worked in temporary positions? How did those experiences vary from one another and what did you prefer about the permanent position?

What attracts you to this position at this facility?

Be honest with them when it comes to why you applied to this specific position. Be sure to have thought this answer out ahead of time. It will help you if you write down the reasons you’ve applied for the specific position and then if you practice answering the question out loud. Here are reasons you might consider as part of your answer:

  • Was it the location?
  • Were the hours appealing? Why? For instance, how do these hours fit in with your current life?
  • Was it the specialty?
  • Is it because you feel comfortable that you know enough to perform the job already or is it that you think the job will be challenging for you at first and you want to grow in your abilities?

If you would like to be placed in a radiology technologist job within the United States, contact Desert Medical Careers at (602) 468-6300.

Are You Looking for a job as a Radiology Technologist?

Desert Medical Careers has a high demand for clinical radiology technologists. We are typically able to easily place rad techs in full-time and part-time positions throughout the Phoenix Metro Area. With over 20 years’ experience placing healthcare employees throughout the Valley, DMC is an expert at matching healthcare workers with their ideal work environment. Contact DMC today at (602) 468-6300.