Who should use a recruiter?

If you are employed and looking to make a move, working with a recruiter can be a good way to conduct a job search with some confidentiality. It’s not always ideal to have your current employer aware that you are looking to find a new job. Conducting a passive job search through a recruitment firm can be a good solution for this situation.

Recruiters play a necessary role in the market for healthcare professionals as the needs of physicians can often be very technical and highly specific. It can be difficult for practices to find individuals that meet all of their requirements, so they will come to a recruitment firm which can find them employees who are ready to begin doing that work with a minimal amount of training. If you have very specialized expertise in nursing or another medical field, working with Desert Medical Careers can help you to find the best opportunities in the Phoenix area for someone with your skill set.

Desert Medical Careers staffs for all positions within private practices. If you have experience working in a front office position at a doctor’s office, we may be able to help you find work. There are always great opportunities for registered nurses and nurse practitioners, but a recruiter can help you to locate a position that is within your specialty. Experienced lab techs such as x-ray technicians, CT techs, and ultrasound techs are also in demand and those with the appropriate skills could benefit by seeking employment through a recruiter.

If you would like to be placed in a healthcare job within the United States, please fill out the form below or call us at 602-468-6300.

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