When Searching for Work, Job Seekers Prefer Personal Interaction and So Do We. Here’s Why.

Desert Medical Careers has always believed that a specialized approach to staffing centered around personal interaction is the best way to match candidates and employers. As a member of the American Staffing Association, we were happy to read some of the latest job search research that confirms our approach is also popular with job seekers. The ASA recently released their findings from a survey they conducted about the job search process; in that study, the ASA reported that “more than three in four adult job seekers in the U.S. prefer personal contacts when searching for work rather than just relying on technology.

personal interaction preferred by job seekers

Personal Interaction Begins with Face-to-Face Contact

We always meet with each candidate face to face. Today we place healthcare workers with jobs throughout the country, not just in Arizona where we are based, so “face to face” might mean via Skype or Facetime, but we still want to have the personal interaction we’ve always found to be key to our placement success.

Giving Tons of Information to a Computer is Unsettling.

While we do use the latest technology to perform our work at Desert Medical Careers, we use technology to augment our personalized approach, not replace it. And, according to the ASA study, that’s a good thing because the study states that “… a majority feel uneasy about giving so much personal employment information to websites (61%).” We make sure that our candidates understand why we’re asking for the information that we do and we find that people are far more comfortable to share their details when they can see exactly with whom they are sharing the information.

If you would like to be placed in a healthcare job within the United States, please fill out the form below or call us at 602-468-6300.

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We Are Highly Trusted by Healthcare Hiring Managers

While having a personal connection with our candidates is vital to our placement success, we also establish relationships with the hiring managers. We learn the “personality” of the team and the facility for which we are recruiting candidates; this is one of the reasons it helps to reach out to us when you are looking for a job. The personal interaction we have with our employers means you, as the candidate, save time, money, and frustration because we are the shortcut you need to getting in with a facility that is an excellent fit for your unique needs and preferences. A personal relationship with our hiring managers also frequently means the employers come to us to find candidates for them rather than announcing their positions through other channels; we believe this is because they trust our process and have experienced the results of highly-vetted and carefully selected candidates.

Long-Term Relationships Give You, the Job Seeker, an Inside Track

In addition to learning more about a candidate when we have a face-to-face connection, we also find we develop lasting relationships with our candidates. We normally aren’t just a quick fix solution; our candidates stay with us throughout their healthcare careers. We attribute this to a genuine feeling of trust and having been placed in positions that are truly right for them on a personal level, rather than just going by job title and pay rates. Unlike many employment firms, we don’t have a high turnover and this helps us build real relationships with our candidates and employers.

The ASA study also found that “four in 10 job seekers report using a staffing and recruiting company during the job hunt (42%)” and 63% of job seekers rely on word of mouth. Because we have long-term relationships with our candidates when they let us know they are in the market for a new job we frequently provide opportunities that only we know about and, much like a friend, we are able to tell our candidates about positions that would actually be a great fit; this sort of connection only happens through true relationships that form through personal interaction.

Are You Looking for a Healthcare Job?

Desert Medical Careers has a high demand for healthcare-related positions throughout the United States. We place full-time and part-time healthcare positions. With over 20 years’ experience working with healthcare employees, DMC is an expert at matching healthcare workers with their ideal work environment. Contact DMC today at (602) 468-6300.