One of the most common job listings Desert Medical Careers has for the Phoenix area is that of a Nurse Practitioner (NP). Nurse Practitioners play a vital role in providing healthcare for ailing patients, seniors, and anyone else in need of assistance. An NP is more than just a ‘super nurse’ or doctor’s assistant, and they are often given a high level of independence to do their work. But what is that work?
A nurse practitioner, also called an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN), has the authority to provide diagnosis, consultation, and treatment. If you have an illness and make an appointment on short notice, it is often an NP that will be giving the examination. NP’s often work for doctors or in hospitals or nursing homes. DMC staffs nurse practitioner jobs in physician’s offices and other non-hospital settings.
As licensed registered nurses, NP’s can perform any task that a normal nurse would. NP’s often carry out the physical examination of the patient and record data. They can also prescribe medications the way a doctor would. Other tasks a nurse practitioner would perform depend on the specialty he or she has chosen. Desert Medical Careers recruits nurse practitioners with many specialties. These can include pediatrics, pain management, family practice, orthopedics, OB/GYN and more. Check out our current job listings here!
For our most current positions, please fill out the form below or call us at 602-468-6300
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