The Most In-Demand Healthcare Jobs for the Fall

Medical chart
Photo by Vojtech Okenka from Pexels

If you’re looking for a medical position for the Fall, now is the best time to do so. At Desert Medical Careers, we have connections with hundreds of medical facilities within Phoenix, Arizona, and the surrounding areas. We have placed more than 17,000 individuals in healthcare jobs within the past 20 years.

One thing we like to keep track of, are the positions that have increased in demand, especially for the Fall. During this season, many people move or travel for the holidays, leaving jobs available to be filled. 

With our expertise in medical job placements, we have a considerable advantage of being in-the-know of the top positions that facilities are hiring for. With our data, we have compiled a list of the top 6 medical positions that are in-demand for Fall 2019. To keep it simple, we have separated the list into two sections: Administrative and Clinical.

Computer search
Photo by Vojtech Okenka from Pexels

Administrative Medical Jobs for Fall 2019

If working behind a desk is your style, then applying for a medical admin position is the best bet. You’ll be able to work alongside a team (or teams) to ensure the office runs efficiently. These tasks include helping patients at the front desk, working on medical billing, or possibly processing surgeries. Based on our data, here are the top medical administrative positions that need filling for the Fall:

Do you have experience in these positions and are looking for a new job? Contact one of our account specialists to set up a consultation: (602) 468-6300

Clinical Healthcare Jobs for Fall 2019

When it comes to giving patients medical care, educating them about health issues, and providing emotional support, clinical healthcare positions are the best option. You will have the opportunity to assist patients while possibly doing some minor administrative tasks. With clinical roles being more face-to-face, they are optimal for those who enjoy providing customer service and ongoing care. Based on our data for Fall 2019, the top clinical positions that need filling are the following:

Blood pressure check
Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Ready to Start Applying To Medical Jobs?

Start applying for Fall medical jobs now with the help of a dedicated team that has more than 20 years of experience placing eager individuals in medical positions in Arizona. Contact Desert Medical Careers today at (602) 468-6300 or fill out the form below to get contacted by a DMC expert.

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Not Sure Where to get started in your medical career? Read our tips and insights on positions such as: